Trial Signs of Snowmobile
Guide and Tips

Snowmobile Trail Signs

When operating any vehicle, it’s essential to know the road rules and keep yourself safe with the Best Snowmobile Helmet and proper protective gear. Snowmobile riding is no different which means it goes for off-roading, too. As you tour by snowmobile along trails or upon roads open to snowmobiles there will be different types of snowmobile trail signs that apply to all snowmobile riders. Remember if you are riding on a highway road all traffic signs for automobiles also apply to snowmobiles including highway speed limits.

Remember that individual states and provinces may have slightly different signs for their snowmobile trails. International Snowmobile Safety Week is the best event to learn more about snowmobiling. So, always check with the jurisdiction you’re riding in for correct local signing guidance.

Always respect trail signs and obey the rules they share since some help protect the rights of neighboring property owners as well as protect future snowmobiling access. Understanding the significance of all trail signs is necessary to help you remain out of danger and make your trip safer and more enjoyable. Examples of common snowmobile trail signs are shown below.

Stop Sign

Stop sign

Stop signs mean just that—STOP!

You have to completely stop your snowmobile, look both ways, and be absolutely sure the roadway is safe and free of oncoming traffic before moving. They are most commonly used at plowed road crossings.

Stop Ahead board

Stop ahead sign

It shows snowmobile riders they are approaching a stop sign and will need to stop ahead at a plowed road crossing; start slowing down instantly and be ready to stop as soon as you see this sign.

Yield Signal

Yield sign

Yield signs tell riders to slow down because of on-coming traffic and yields. Look for on-coming traffic and come to a complete stop if there is other traffic at the intersection. You must allow them to proceed before you continue through the intersection. Yield snowmobile signals are normally used at low traffic volumes such as trail junctions or driveway intersects.

Do Not Enter the Sign

Do not enter sign

This sign instructs riders to not enter this area because it is a restricted area or trail closed to public access

No Snowmobiles Sign

No snowmobile sign

A ( NO SNOWMOBILES ) sign means staying out of this area. The snowmobile with a circle and a red slash through it mean snowmobiles are prohibited it instructs riders that it is closed to snowmobile access so please do not enter a restricted area or trail.

Slow down

Slow or Reduce speed sign

This sign with black letters on a yellow background is used to inform snowmobile drivers that there may be potentially hazardous conditions.

The situation might be challenging and may be out of the control of trail managers, Hazards can vary from day to day basis due to different weather conditions, heavy snowmobile traffic, or natural conditions. So you should always stay watchful for changing conditions and potential hazards. They may contain changing trail conditions such as ice flows, structures such as bridge abutments along the trail, driveway crossings, hills, etc. It is the responsibility of all riders to slow their snowmobile as soon as they see this sign.

Speed Limit Rule

Speed limit sign

This sign Informs riders not to exceed the speed limit written on the board. The speed limit may vary and change with the quality or smoothness of the trail. These signs are vital since they help control your safety as a rider, reduce risks to other riders, and sometimes are also used to minimize effects on neighboring landowners or other trail users.

Snowmobile Trail Blazers

Orange diamond for trial blazers

An orange diamond informs riders they are on a designated snowmobile trail or corridor.

Cross-Country Ski Trail Blazers

Blue diamond for cross country ski

A blue diamond designates cross-country ski trails; stay off these routes since they are closed to snowmobiling.

Left Turn

Left turn sign

This arrow sign informs riders that the trail ahead makes a distinct change in direction to the left. So slow down and safely cross the turn.

Right Turn

Right turn sign

This arrow sign informs riders that the trail ahead makes a distinct change in direction to the right. So slow down and safely cross the turn.

Stay on Trail Snowmobile sign

Snowmobile Trial sign Stay on

This sign is used to keep snowmobile traffic on selected trail routes because there might be sensitive areas like wildlife winter ranges or private property. Snowmobilers must absolutely follow this restriction to keep constant access across these areas.

Object Markers

Objects marker snowmobile trail sign

These signs mark possible crash hazards within the travel way, such as bridge abutments and railings or cattle guards. The lines slope downward away from the block on this sign, pointing to the side of the hazard where traffic should travel.


In order to travel safely on your snowmobile, you should learn the snowmobile trail signs because these signs are very important while riding in different trail conditions. As discussed before that these signs are very vital, it is very important to slow down your snowmobile while passing these signs, so you can easily understand the meaning of that particular sign.


Sign with Snowmobile :

The sign with a snowmobile Indicates that a highway or road is designated for use by snowmobile operators.

Skidding sign :

It means that the road or trail in front of you will be slippery in poor weather conditions.

Trailhead sign :

It comes with informative details such as a route and area map, which is helpful to study in case you come upon an unmarked crossroads.

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