Helmet Visior Fogging up
Guide and Tips

How to Keep Snowmobile Helmet Visor from Fogging

Keeping a helmet visor from fogging up can be a challenging. The visor on your snowmobile plays a critical role in allowing you to see clearly and adjust to variable lighting conditions you might encounter on the trail. But those benefits go out the window if you can’t keep the visor from fogging up. 

When your sight is limited, your safety suffers. That’s why a foggy visor can be such a dangerous thing. You want to do everything you can to keep your visor from getting foggy. It’s simply not safe to ride with a fogged-up visor. 

What Causes Helmet Visor Fogging?

One minute you’re looking through a nice clear visor, then the next thing you know it’s covered in fog and you can’t see a thing. Huh! What the heck just happened?

Helmet visor fogging is caused by a combination of moisture, temperature, and air flow. When warm, moist air from your breath or sweat comes into contact with a cold visor, it condenses into droplets, creating fog. To prevent your snowmobile helmet visor from fogging, you need to understand following factors.

Breathing: Your breath contains warm, moist air that can condense on a cold visor. This is especially true when the air is cold and dry outside.

Sweat: If you sweat heavily, the moisture can also condense on the inside of the visor, causing fogging.

Weather: Cold, wet weather can cause fogging by creating a temperature difference between the inside and outside of the visor.

Poor Ventilation: If your helmet doesn’t have adequate ventilation, warm, moist air can become trapped inside, leading to fogging.

By understanding the causes of helmet visor fogging, you can take steps to prevent it from happening and ensure a clear and safe ride.

How to Keep Snowmobile Helmet From Fogging

It can be difficult to keeping a snowmobile helmet from fogging up, especially in cold, wet weather conditions. Here are some key tips to help prevent fogging.

1. Heated Snowmobile Helmet

The number one, best option is to get an heated snowmobile helmet. This style of helmet uses battery-powered heat to reduce the chance of your visor fogging up. Heated helmets provide you with all of the protection and comfort features of regular helmets, but the heating element acts like a defroster that decreases moisture from building up inside.

Sure, they cost a slightly more than a regular snowmobile helmet, but if you’re going to be using it often, then this is surely the best option and would be a worthwhile investment for your safety and a more enjoyable riding experience.

2. Anti-Fog Lenses

You have to ensure that any helmet visor you choose is treated with an Anti-fog product. The anti-fog Lenses are always treated with a special coating or technology to prevent the buildup of moisture and fogging.


Nearly all helmets you can get for snowmobiling have this feature, and you don’t need to pay extra for it. But if you choose a cheaper helmet that’s not from a known brand, make sure that the visor has an anti-fog lens.

3. Proper Ventilated Helmet

Ventilation is a key feature for helmets when it comes to fogging. The purpose of ventilation is to regulate temperature, reduce moisture buildup, and prevent fogging, ensuring maximum comfort and safety for the rider. If a helmet is not properly ventilated, heat and moisture will build up inside it.

A proper-ventilated helmet always made with adequate air flow channels to allow for the circulation of air inside the helmet.

Ventilated helmet typically has several vents located on the top, front, and back of the helmet. These vents allow cool air to enter and warm air to exit, creating a natural flow of air that helps to regulate the temperature inside the helmet.

4. Dual Pane Visor

A dual-pane visor is another way that doesn’t require electricity and you can prevent fog from occurring. It is a type of visor that consists of two layers of plastic or glass separated by a thin layer of air or gas. The purpose of the dual pane visor is to provide insulation against temperature differences, reduce fogging, and improve clarity of vision.

Dual-pane visors can cost a bit more than a standard helmet. But they are cheaper than heated options and offer an extra layer of defense against fogging. Overall, a dual pane visor is a useful feature for anyone who spends time in cold or humid environments.

5. Anti-Fog Products

There are many anti fog products you apply to your visior to keep the fog away from your visor. These come as a spray or a gel that you wipe on both sides of your visor, and they work by preventing moisture from building up.

Anti-Fog sprays don’t get a good rap overall, however some people say that some work, while others will say the opposite. You can use anti fog masks as well but you will not be satisfied as you want to be.

Best Free Tip

According to my personal experience, these products have been hit or miss. Rather than buy a fancy product, I like to bring baby shampoo with me and rub this on the lenses. You’ll need to wipe it off with a wet rag to get clear vision, but it does a great job of reducing fog. 


If you really want to enjoy your journey on trails you have to get a helmet that helps you to keep the fog away from your visor and there are many things you can consider. Foggy visior is not fun and it can be daedly dangerous for you.

If you follow all of the guidance in this article, you should be able to ride fog-free. You might need to play with each suggestion until you uncover something best that works for you, but one of the tips is sure to help you see clearly.


DIY Method:

f you want to save some money and take the DIY approach, you can make your own anti-fog spray. A simple anti-fog solution with alcohol is just 1/4 cup of water and 3/4 cup of rubbing alcohol mixed with a drop of dish soap. Place in a spray bottle, shake well, and you’re good to go

Anti-Fog Spray:

So if you want your dollar to go farther on an anti-fog solution that works on more than just your helmet, anti-fog spray is the way to go. Anti-fog wipes are also a great solution for your helmet and other lenses and can be found at your local motorcycle shop or online.

Baby Shampoo:

The easiest DIY solution is baby shampoo. Like most shampoos, it is a surfactant and will prevent fogging. Apply baby shampoo to the inside of the goggle lenses by using a cloth to wipe and spread the shampoo.

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